We can't wait to welcome Study Travel Network at CPF Toronto 2024!
The Study Travel Network is a complete B2B platform for schools and study travel agencies who specialize in international student engagement. Study Travel brings together agents and education consultants who recruit and advise students with educators who are looking for international students.
Through STN, you can connect with industry colleagues, book conferences and get all the latest industry news in Study Travel Magazine, a leading trade publication for study travel agents that is read by over 22,000 people worldwide.
The Canada Partnership Forum (CPF) is designed to showcase ILAC programs and Canada's top colleges and universities to education agents from around the world. It is an exclusive opportunity for agents to connect with colleagues and educators from around the world, as well as participate in group training sessions, networking breaks and evening social events.
Want to learn more? Meet with Study Travel Network at CPF Toronto 2024 and visit the Study Travel Network website to view available programs.